

FRMCS was Primary Topic of TTC MARCONI at Conference of Communication and Security Technology on Railways

The main topic for TTC MARCONI at the conference was FRMCS, a new mobile communication system built on 5G. This system replaces the outdated GSM-R system and is also a key factor for the digitalization of the railway. TTC MARCONI is involved in the standardization of FRMCS within the framework of its membership in UNITEL, a committee of the European Rail Supply Industry Association (UNIFE).

During their conference presentations, TTC MARCONI specialists focused on the FRMCS standard itself, as well as the system architecture and the individual parts from the perspective of the transport, service and application layers.

At the TTC MARCONI stand, we presented practical segments of how we are able to implement the FRCMS functional requirements in the dispatch terminal with the creation of dynamic call groups based on the location, direction and speed of trains, components of the integrated rescue system and other personnel.