Pardubice Again Becomes the Centre of the Czech Railways after One Year
Pardubice hosted the 9th annual the Železnice Pardubice 2023 (Railways Pardubice 2023) on April 13th and TTC MARCONI could be found in the role as main partner for this traditional event.
Topics focusing on the future of railways that are important for TTC MARCONI and other companies from the TTC group were discussed at the conference.
Ondřej Havlík, Managing Director of TTC MARCONI, presented key factors for the digitalization of rail transport – FRMCS, the Future Railway Mobile Communication System. This is a global telecommunication system designed by the International Union of Railways (UIC) in close co-operation with various other stakeholders from the railway sector as a successor to GSM-R.
Click here for a video of the event: (Ondřej Havlík´s contribution begins at approx. 3:30:00).