At the beginning of October, the traditional WEILOVKA Career Day, a “festival of life opportunities” for pupils and students, took place at the Secondary School of Automotive, Informatics and Gymnasium (Weilovka).
TTC MARCONI presented its proven portfolio as well as its new technology for counting people anonymously. This innovative sensor uses laser measurement instead of conventional image matching, which generated great interest among visitors. Over the course of the day, the sensor recorded 1,725 passes.
At the same time, Jan Vejtruba from TTC MARCONI had the opportunity of giving two lectures on the topic “What is on the Internet?”, where he introduced students to the basics of cybersecurity. For example, they focused on how their open profiles can be abused or how the AI technology can be used to discredit them. The lectures were a success not only among students, but also their teachers.
We would also like to thank our partner JoTio for lending us the HW and we look forward to more events like this.